Hi, my name is Ilana Moss. I aimg_4609m a child of Holocaust survivors and I have dedicated my life to making this a better, more peaceful world.

When I was young I loved nature, and wanted to protect it.  In my twenties I received a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Education and realized the only way to change how people treat the environment is to change how they think and feel about it. In my thirties I produced a documentary about air quality for PBS, which has been used by U.S., state, and local governments to train and educate resource managers.

When I turned 40, a traumatic divorce made me aware that I had been suffering from PTSD my entire life as a result of being a child of Holocaust survivors.  This realization gave me the key to true transformation of my own mind and heart, and access to a powerful process I could teach to other people. My hope is that, by teaching others how to connect the heart and the head, we can start making better choices and together, in time, create a better world for all of us.